Global Competency Diploma
Global Education provides students with the skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to participate in an increasingly interdependent world. Through immersion and the study of culture, world languages, and multi-cultural and international issues, students acquire skills and perspectives that equip them to become life-long, active participants in our global community, while also demonstrating an appreciation of cultural diversity and global responsibility.The purpose of the program is to promote global awareness in our graduates.
The first graduates of this special diploma option began with the Class of 2013.
For more information on specific courses that can be applied toward the academic component please browse the list below.
Required Forms
As you work toward your global diploma, you will need the forms below.
Program of Studies
- 1.
- Science, Technology, & Engineering
- Sustainability and Food Ed
- 3525
- This interdisciplinary, project-based science course engages students in questions of how food helps us make meaning of the world and mediates our place in the environment. Students will complete a capstone project that addresses a sustainability issue in the school or greater community. While implementing solutions, students will engage in project management skills and may collaborate with community partners to bring about positive change. Course helps prepare students to be global citizens.
- Successful completion of Biology. This course counts towards the lab science requirement for graduation.
- Full year - 5 credits
- 11, 12
- CP
- STEAM, Global, CCC
- All years
- A1, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2
- 2.
- Music
- Concert Band (CP)
- 8121
- Concert Band rehearses every day for a full year. During the school year the Concert Band performs at concerts, parades, and various school assemblies. Attendance at all performances is mandatory. Grades are based on attendance and participation. Extra Credit can be earned by performing quarterly playing tests.
- All students interested in enrolling in Concert Band are required to demonstrate for the Dept. Head an ability to read musical notation prior to enrollment.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9,10,11,12
- CP
- Global, Visual & Performing Arts
- All years
- A1, A3, S1, S2, S3, C1, C2, C3
- 3.
- Music
- Concert Band (H)
- 8123
- Concert Band Honors meets concurrently with Concert Band CP. Enrollment is open only to students who receive Dept Head recommendation. Attendance at all performances is mandatory. Grades are based on attendance, participation, quarterly playing tests, and quarterly writing assignments. Students enrolled in Concert Band Honors are strongly encouraged to take private music lessons on their band instrument with a qualified instructor.
- Students must be recommended by the band director for Honors Credit
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- H
- Global, Visual & Performing Arts
- All years
- A1, A3, S1, S2, S3, C1, C2, C3
- 4.
- Music
- Wind Ensemble
- 8521
- The Northeast Massachusetts Youth Orchestras (NMYO) offer a Wind Ensemble experience for young musicians in the area. The Wind Ensemble rehearses at Masco on Mondays after school. Students interested in auditioning should refer to the NMYO website at nmyo.org. Experience playing a wind or brass instrument is required. An audition is required for enrollment.
- Previous playing experience on woodwind, brass or percussion instrument is required. An audition is required. Auditions are scheduled through NMYO at nmyo.org.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- Visual & Performing Arts
- All Years
- A1, A3, S1, S2, S3, C1, C2, C3
- 5.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science I : Business Applications and Technologies (CP)
- 5811
- A course designed to explore a number of new and innovative technologies used in Business and Computer Science. Create cartoon and graphic animations with Animation Shop. Learn how to make visually appealing applications and games with Code.org, Python, Visual Basic, etc.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9,10,11,12
- CP
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 6.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science I : Business Applications and Technologies (H)
- 5812
- A course designed to explore a number of new and innovative technologies used in Business and Computer Science. Create cartoon and graphic animations with Animation Shop. Learn how to make visually appealing applications and games with Code.org, Python, Visual Basic, etc.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9,10,11,12
- H
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 7.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science II: Coding and App Development (CP)
- 5821
- Students will gain programming and design skills within the Code.org environment. Web programming, App development and Video Game design. Additional requirements for Honors Level.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- CP
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 8.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science II: Coding and App Development (H)
- 5822
- Students will gain programming and design skills within the Code.org environment. Web programming, App development and Video Game design. Additional requirements for Honors Level.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- H
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 9.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science - Gaming & Industry
- 5851
- This course explores game programming and will cover many different game genres including action and adventure, first person, sports, and multiplayer games. It will explore the different types of roles in the game development process from the design phase to technical programming. Students will work independently as well as in team settings to complete major game projects throughout the year utilizing various game development software.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 10.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science - Gaming & Industry
- 5852
- This course explores game programming and will cover many different game genres including action and adventure, first person, sports, and multiplayer games. It will explore the different types of roles in the game development process from the design phase to technical programming. Students will work independently as well as in team settings to complete major game projects throughout the year utilizing various game development software.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- H
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 11.
- Business & Computer Science
- Global Economy & International Business
- 5421
- This course examines the impact that global cultures and government has on international business from the United States’ point of view. The expansion of United States’ businesses to foreign markets will be analyzed along with the barriers to importing and exporting products abroad. International cultures will be examined as they relate to international marketing and the need for American products to adapt if they wish to be successful.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- CCC, Computer Science, Global
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 12.
- Business & Computer Science
- Global Economy & International Business
- 5441
- This course examines the impact that global cultures and government has on international business from the United States; point of view. The expansion of United States businesses to foreign markets will be analyzed along with the barriers to importing and exporting products abroad. International cultures will be examined as they relate to international marketing and the need for American products to adapt if they wish to be successful.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11,12
- H
- CCC, Computer Science, Global
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 13.
- Business & Computer Science
- Introduction to Computer Science
- 5810
- Introduction to Computer Science offers the unique opportunity for 9th graders to learn programming and website development. This course will have a heavy focus on coding and developing applications and games to prepare you for the Computer Science field which continues to see significant growth.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 9
- CP
- Computer Science, Media & Communication
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 14.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science AP
- 5841
- If you are interested in a career in computer science and programming, this course is a MUST! Java is one of the more popular programming languages and is widely used to implement network interfaces, Web servers, and e-commerce solutions, as well as standard business applications. Students will learn to use Java to create well-written and readable programs using a disciplined coding style to solve mathematical problems. The curriculum will cover the material found on the AP Exam (A Level).
- AP Computer Science Principles & Teacher Recommendation
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 12
- AP
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 15.
- Science, Technology, & Engineering
- Biotechnology (CP)
- 3423
- Biotechnology explores technologies at the molecular and cellular level. In this course, students will learn lab techniques used in biotechnology and apply them to real-world situations. The course examines applications of biotech that have contributed to industrial processes, agriculture, forensics, and medicine as well as its role in managing environmental waste and pollution. Students will examine potential careers and emerging applications in biotechnology.
- Successful completion of Biology. This course is also offered for Honors credit. This course counts towards the lab science requirement for graduation.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2
- 16.
- World Language
- French I (CP)
- 4101
- The following courses are for those students who want or need to begin the study of a first or second foreign language in high school. These courses are the equivalent of the Grade 7/8 program. Students acquire practical vocabulary and begin to master the essentials of grammar and structure. They develop basic listening, reading, writing and speaking skills, while exploring the geography, history and culture of countries where the language is spoken. Novice High is the proficiency goal.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9
- CP
- Global
- As Needed
- A1, C1, C2, C3, S1, S2
- 17.
- World Language
- French II (CP)
- 4111
- In these courses, students acquire practical vocabulary and begin to master the essentials of grammar and structure as they develop basic listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. They explore the geography, history and culture of countries where the language is spoken. Intermediate Low is the proficiency goal.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9
- CP
- Global
- All years
- A1, C1, C2, C3, S1, S2
- 18.
- World Language
- French III (CP)
- 4121
- In these courses, students further develop their communicative skills. Cultural exploration continues through readings, videos and authentic sources. Intermediate Mid is the proficiency goal.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10
- CP
- Global
- All years
- A1, C1, C2, C3, S1, S2
- 19.
- Soc. Stud.
- AP European History
- 2443
- This college --- level course requires students to possess solid essay writing, document analysis, critical thinking, and discussion skills. The student must be a responsible student willing to undertake independent research. The program will assist students in the transition to college. In addition to providing a basic exposure to the factual narrative, the goals are to develop an understanding of some of the principal themes in modern European History (1450 to present).
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- AP
- CCC, Global
- 2024-2025
- A1, A3, A4, S1, S2, C2
- 20.
- Soc. Stud.
- AP United States Government and Politics
- 2543
- This college --- level course introduces students to key political ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles, and behaviors that characterize the political culture of the United States. The course examines politically significant concepts and themes, through which students learn to apply disciplinary reasoning, assess causes and consequences of political events, and interpret data to develop evidence --- based arguments.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 12
- AP
- CCC, Global, Media & Communications
- All years
- A1, A2, A4, S1, S2, C2
- 21.
- Soc. Stud.
- AP Human Geography
- 2741
- This course will deal with the major themes of geography as described by the National Geographic Association. Students will be exposed to issues of place, political, social and economic geography. They will also be introduced to modern technology --- based tools used by the geographer. A major emphasis in the course will be in solving current and historical problems affected by human interaction with the earth’s surface.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- AP
- CCC, Global
- All years
- A1, A3, A4, S1, S2, C2
- 22.
- World Language
- French IV (CP)
- 4131
- This course continues the development of communicative and interpretive proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Important grammatical topics are reviewed in detail and some advanced concepts are introduced. Course themes focus on using the language in real-world and contemporary situations. Student understanding of Francophone cultures develops through cultural and literary readings, films, and authentic language resources. Intermediate High is the proficiency goal.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11
- CP
- Global
- All years
- A1, C1, C2, C3, S1, S2
- 23.
- Art
- Art History (AP)
- 7601
- AP Art History provides an introductory college level course regardless of whether one has had previous experience in studio art or art history. Students will examine major forms of artistic expression, look at works of art critically, with intelligence and sensitivity, and will then be asked to articulate what they have seen or experienced in those works. The course structure meets the guidelines established by The College Board.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- AP
- CCC, Global, Visual & Performing Arts
- 25-26
- A1, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2
- 24.
- World Language
- French V (CP)
- 4141
- This course provides students with opportunities to read, write, and speak in the target language at an advanced level. Students explore topics in the language through thematic units and projects. Classic and modern films are used to illustrate the social, intellectual, and historical influence of the language upon the global society. Advanced Low is the proficiency goal.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 12
- CP
- Global
- All years
- A1, C1, C2, C3, S1, S2
- 25.
- Soc. Stud.
- World Studies/International Relations
- 2881
- This course will include an introduction to the key concepts of international relations. A case study approach will be used to analyze current international problems around the world, with an emphasis on current events. The course will involve research work, extensive reading, paper writing, presentations, and debate. Students who have met success in college --- prep level Social Studies courses are encouraged to select this course as a solid foundation for college work.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- CCC, Global
- All years
- A1, A3, A4, S1, S2, C2