• 2024 - 2025 Bus Routes 




    Boxford Routes: 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 29
    Boxford/Topsfield Routes: 12, 14, 17, 18, 23, 25
    Middleton Routes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 24,
    Topsfield Routes:  19, 26, 27, 28, 30


  • Masconomet Bus Routes for all three towns can be found in the PDF link below. 

    Please note the following relative to the Masco Bus Routes:

    • Masco Bus Routes are not the same as the elementary bus routes.  In particular, they do not stop at all houses.
    • All Masco Bus Routes and accompanying stops have been checked for safety by the bus company.
    • Your child will get on/off the bus at the stop on the route nearest your home.
    • If you have specific concerns about bus routes please email Ms. Schatzel (aschatzel@masconomet.org) and your concern will be shared with the bus company.


    • If you have a question regarding which bus your Masconomet Middle School student is on or need to report an immediate concern, please contact Lisa Berry at x. 20011.
      • Students' bus route numbers also appear in PowerSchool. (Incoming 7th Graders will receive their PowerSchool username and password the first few days of school.)


    • If you have a question regarding which bus your Masconomet High School student is on or need to report an immediate concern, please contact Ann Curley at x. 11000.
      • Students' bus route numbers also appear in PowerSchool.


    The following bus routes are listed in numerical order: 01 AM, 01 PM, 02 AM, 02 PM and so on.

    Masco Bus Routes 24 - 25 

    Thank you,

    Alyssa Schatzel
    Assistant Principal & Transportation Coordinator
    Masconomet Regional High School