Where can I find an eBook or audiobook?
Our town libraries offer thousands of free resources for library cardholders, such as:
- Overdrive for free ebooks
- Kanopy for free movies and television
- RB Digital for free e-magazines
Boston Public Library All you need is your library card number!
Libby Free eBooks and audiobooks. Download the app.
Audible Free 30 day trial. One free audiobook!
Gutenberg Project Free older books whose copyright has expired.
Masco owned audiobooks (Type in the title here. Email nmirabito@masconomet.org for your username and password)
How do I choose a new book?
Best Young Adult Books of All Time!
Besides emailing me, here are a couple other things you can do:
BOOK IT! The annual challenge is back!
What are you reading? Let’s share! Here’s a super short survey to fill out. Your responses will appear on the library website under “What is Masco reading?” For each entry, you will be entered into a raffle for Amazon gift cards!
What celebrations and observances are important to you?
The REC (Race and Ethnicities Club) is compiling a list of dates/celebrations/observances that are important to our Masco community. Fill out our super short survey!
Background: Have you seen the REC Flag Project displayed outside the library? Thanks to your responses to the question, "What are your countries of origin?", we were able to create over 70 flags into a unified image! Now that we know where our Masco community is "from", we want to know what is important to us. Please share the events, celebrations and dates that are important to you. It can be anything from Earth Day to Black History Month to Easter. We will share out the results!