



    Masconomet Regional School District

    Safety and Security

    With the help of the entire Masconomet community, we are committed to providing our students, faculty, staff and visitors with a safe and secure learning and working environment. Every student deserves a learning environment that is safe, challenging, exciting and encourages personal development and responsibility. 

    The Masconomet Safety and Security Office consists of experienced safety and security professionals with decades of experience in public safety.  We monitor the campus to deter and detect safety and security concerns.  The department handles several key responsibilities, some of which include; Parking control and enforcement, assisting with event planning, assisting school administration with the investigation and control of incidents, visitor and access control, interior and exterior building patrols, threat assessment team reviews, crisis team planning, development and maintenance of emergency operations plans in coordination with local police and fire departments, drill planning and response and more.

    Strategies Implemented to Help Ensure Safety


    Safety and Security staff are assigned during the school day.

    A School Resource Officer is assigned to Masconomet when school is in session. 

    We conduct a variety of different drills, in accordance with state law. 

    We acknowledge that the emotional and physical safety of students and staff is everyone's responsibility.

    Staff training.

    District Threat Assessment Team.

    Protect and Mitigate:

    Safety and Security staff are on site monitoring the campus and responding when needed.

    A School Resource Officer is on campus and responds to incidents as needed.  

    Access control and visitor management protocols are in place and closely monitored.

    Video surveillance is in place.

    All Hazards Assessments.

    Staff and students are trained how to respond in an emergency.

    We have an excellent partnership with emergency responders.

    Safe School Helpline for anonymous reporting.  Found here,  Safe School Helpline

    Respond and Recovery:

    Safety and Security staff will respond and assist.

    The School Resource Officers will respond as needed to emergencies.  Additional resources from local agencies will respond as well if necessary.

    The Masconomet Regional School District has comprehensive reunification protocols should the need arise. 

    The counseling and crisis response teams are ready to assist students in crisis.  






Safety and Security Staff

  • Michael Hughes
    Director of Safety and Security
    978-887-2323 x31180


    Kevin Mahoney
    District Security & Attendance Monitor
    978-887-2323 x11140


    Ed Monette
    District Security & Attendance Monitor



    For all parking permit inquiries refer to the Parking section, if you still need assistance contact the Director of Safety and Security at, mhughes@masconomet.org