Student Support Organization Guidelines
Student Support Organizations (SSOs) are composed of parents, community members, and staff members who come together for the purpose of supporting specific school activities for the benefit of students, such as athletic teams, musical groups, clubs, etc. SSOs are an important means of connecting parents and other community members with the curricular and co-curricular activities of students. The Masconomet Regional School District (District or MRSD) welcomes and encourages parental interest and participation and understands that it is important to maintain positive and productive working relationships with these important partners. Therefore, the following best practices have been developed in support of this ideal.
It is important to understand that SSOs are established on behalf of a Masconomet program but are not under the direct supervision or control of the District. SSOs must be appropriately organized under Massachusetts laws governing non-profit organizations and must maintain their own liability insurance. There is a section titled “Helpful Information for Forming and Maintaining SSOs” later in this document.