The Business and Computer Education Department is an area of study within the total curriculum that deals directly with business and technology skills, techniques and etiquette. Through a structured program which promotes both personal and educational growth, students develop skills and knowledge in accounting, computer science, and related business fields. See your school counselor or the Business Department Head if you have any questions.
NOTE: Any one of the following Business Education courses will satisfy one year of the Mathematics requirement. These courses are:
- Accounting I
- Accounting Principles (H)
- Computer Science
Masconomet is now part of DECA (Distributive Educator's Clubs of America). DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high school and colleges around the globe. DECA enhances the preparation for colleges and careers by providing co-curricular programs that integrate classroom instruction, applying learning in the context of business and the community and promoting competition. Students enrolled in DECA courses will be eligible to participate in the DECA club or who have previously taken a Business course during their HS career. Computer Science I will also allow freshmen students to be eligible for the DECA club. In the Fall of 2025 we will have DECA I, II and III courses run to further prepare students for the annual district DECA competition.Computer Science Technology
A four-year sequence in Computer Science is available for those students who wish to pursue a career and/or a college major in computer science. Students may elect to take Computer Science at the Honors level. Except for Gaming, all Computer Science classes meet global diploma requirements.
Program of Studies
- 1.
- Business & Computer Science
- Accounting I: The Accounting Cycle
- 5521
- This course provides excellent preparation for college accounting courses. The complete accounting cycle is taught in this course including special journals; ledgers and financial statements for sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. High performing students in this course have secured internships with local businesses through instructor recommendation. This course fulfills a one year Mathematics requirement.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 2.
- Business & Computer Science
- Accounting Principles
- 5541
- This course provides an understanding of basic accounting principles. Topics include: scope and uses of accounting; the theory and use of accounts, and the recording of business transactions; the purpose and structure of financial statements; plant asset depreciation and disposition; intangible assets; payrolls; bond and stock issuances, and other stock transactions. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra II. Fulfills one year of Mathematics requirement.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- H
- Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 3.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science I : Business Applications and Technologies (CP)
- 5811
- A course designed to explore a number of new and innovative technologies used in Business and Computer Science. Create cartoon and graphic animations with Animation Shop. Learn how to make visually appealing applications and games with Code.org, Python, Visual Basic, etc.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9,10,11,12
- CP
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 4.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science I : Business Applications and Technologies (H)
- 5812
- A course designed to explore a number of new and innovative technologies used in Business and Computer Science. Create cartoon and graphic animations with Animation Shop. Learn how to make visually appealing applications and games with Code.org, Python, Visual Basic, etc.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 9,10,11,12
- H
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 5.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science II: Coding and App Development (CP)
- 5821
- Students will gain programming and design skills within the Code.org environment. Web programming, App development and Video Game design. Additional requirements for Honors Level.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- CP
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 6.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science II: Coding and App Development (H)
- 5822
- Students will gain programming and design skills within the Code.org environment. Web programming, App development and Video Game design. Additional requirements for Honors Level.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- H
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 7.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science - Gaming & Industry
- 5851
- This course explores game programming and will cover many different game genres including action and adventure, first person, sports, and multiplayer games. It will explore the different types of roles in the game development process from the design phase to technical programming. Students will work independently as well as in team settings to complete major game projects throughout the year utilizing various game development software.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 8.
- Business & Computer Science
- Computer Science - Gaming & Industry
- 5852
- This course explores game programming and will cover many different game genres including action and adventure, first person, sports, and multiplayer games. It will explore the different types of roles in the game development process from the design phase to technical programming. Students will work independently as well as in team settings to complete major game projects throughout the year utilizing various game development software.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11,12
- H
- Computer Science, Global, STEAM
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 9.
- Business & Computer Science
- Global Economy & International Business
- 5421
- This course examines the impact that global cultures and government has on international business from the United States’ point of view. The expansion of United States’ businesses to foreign markets will be analyzed along with the barriers to importing and exporting products abroad. International cultures will be examined as they relate to international marketing and the need for American products to adapt if they wish to be successful.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- CCC, Computer Science, Global
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 10.
- Business & Computer Science
- Global Economy & International Business
- 5441
- This course examines the impact that global cultures and government has on international business from the United States; point of view. The expansion of United States businesses to foreign markets will be analyzed along with the barriers to importing and exporting products abroad. International cultures will be examined as they relate to international marketing and the need for American products to adapt if they wish to be successful.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11,12
- H
- CCC, Computer Science, Global
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C2, C3
- 11.
- Business & Computer Science
- Personal Financial Literacy
- 5522
- Personal Financial Literacy is a semester-long high school business course designed to equip students with essential personal finance skills for life after graduation. Covering topics like banking, credit, budgeting, investing, taxes, and more, students explore behavioral economics, managing credit, paying for college, and consumer skills. Practical lessons include job searching, creating resumes, and filing taxes, ensuring students are prepared for financial independence and responsibility.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 12.
- Business & Computer Science
- DECA 1: Introduction to Business
- 5533
- DECA I is an introductory course for students interested in learning about business activities. They will develop business vocabulary and problem-solving skills in the areas of marketing, finance, administration, entrepreneurship and hospitality/tourism. A major component of the course is completing and practicing DECA role plays and case studies according to the DECA H.S. Competitive Events standards. This course is highly recommended for H.S. students who plan on competing in the DECA Club.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 9, 10, 11, 12
- H
- Computer Science
- All Years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 13.
- Business & Computer Science
- Marketing
- 5534
- This Marketing course is designed to serve as an introduction to the basic principles of marketing and the application of these practices. This course is conducted through lecture, engaging activities, group paced instruction, and hands-on practice. For the final project students will prepare a professional marketing plan proposal. This course also integrates experiential learning with the Masco Variety School Store. This honors course includes an additional project each quarter.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- H
- Media & Communications, Computer Science, STEAM, Visual & Performing Arts
- All Years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 14.
- Business & Computer Science
- DECA 2: Innovation, Leadership & Communication
- 5535
- This course emphasizes the principles of human relations, leadership, and business communication. Students will work with groups within Masco and beyond. Students will engage in business ventures, community service, projects and presentations. They will use learned business concepts and apply them in real world business situations. Students will exhibit their understanding of the curriculum at the District 3 DECA competition. Activities may take place during evenings and weekends.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- H
- All Years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 15.
- Business & Computer Science
- DECA 3: Advanced Entrepreneurial Studies
- 5536
- This advanced course explores entrepreneurship and its societal impact, emphasizing decision-making and problem-solving. Topics include opportunity recognition, economic models, value creation, and key entrepreneurial concepts. The project-based curriculum covers business models, risk and financial management, advocacy, and organizational creation. Students showcase their understanding at the District 3/State DECA competitions, with some activities happening on evenings/weekends.
- No course prerequisites, but DECA Club participation is required to take this course. Admittance into this course is contingent upon a personal interview with, and approval of, the DECA 3 teacher.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11, 12
- H
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 16.
- Business & Computer Science
- Introduction to Real Estate
- 5537
- Real estate is an exciting and dynamic field with a wide range of career opportunities and financial insights that are valuable for everyone. This semester-long course will give students a foundational understanding of real estate principles, explore how real estate impacts communities, and introduce practical skills for future personal and professional use.
- None
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11, 12
- H
- All Years
- 17.
- Business & Computer Science
- Introduction to Investing and Banking
- 5538
- This course explores the fundamentals of banking, including savings, checking, and credit accounts, as well as an overview of loans and interest. Students will also dive into investing basics, covering stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and the power of compound interest. Through real-world examples and hands-on activities, students will build financial literacy, fostering informed decision-making for a secure financial future.
- Full Year - 5 Credits
- 11, 12
- H
- All Years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 18.
- Business & Computer Science
- Personal Financial Literacy
- 5539
- Personal Financial Literacy is a semester-long high school business course designed to equip students with essential personal finance skills for life after graduation. Covering topics like banking, credit, budgeting, investing, taxes, and more, students explore behavioral economics, managing credit, paying for college, and consumer skills. Practical lessons include job searching, creating resumes, and filing taxes, ensuring students are prepared for financial independence and responsibility.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11, 12
- H
- Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 19.
- Business & Computer Science
- Marketing
- 5554
- This Marketing course is designed to serve as an introduction to the basic principles of marketing and the application of these practices. This course is conducted through lecture, engaging activities, group paced instruction, and hands-on practice. Students will prepare a professional marketing plan proposal.For the final project students will prepare a professional marketing plan proposal. This course also integrates experiential learning with the Masco Variety School Store.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- CP
- Media & Communications, Computer Science, STEAM, Visual & Performing Arts
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 20.
- Business & Computer Science
- Business & Personal Law
- 5621
- This introductory course imparts knowledge of business law and its impact on businesses, communities, families, and individuals. Units cover Basics of Law, Business Organizations, Contract Law, and Law of Sales. Topics include civil and criminal law, focusing on consumer, employment, and property law. Students showcase understanding through various assessments such as presentations, readings, notes, worksheets, group/individual projects, and open-note reviews.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- CP
- CCC, Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 21.
- Business & Computer Science
- Business Management - Sport & Entertainment Marketing
- 5622
- The purpose of this course is to present the student with a solid foundation about what business is, how it operates, and how it is managed. Specific topics include the characteristics of business, forms of ownership, management functions, and production and marketing management. Using virtual simulations, students will learn about sport and entertainment marketing and management. High performing students will have secured internships with local businesses through instructor recommendation.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11,12
- CP
- CCC, Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 22.
- Business & Computer Science
- Business & Personal Law
- 5623
- This introductory course imparts knowledge of business law and its impact on businesses, communities, families, and individuals. Units cover Basics of Law, Business Organizations, Contract Law, and Law of Sales. Topics include civil and criminal law, focusing on consumer, employment, and property law. Students showcase understanding through various assessments such as presentations, readings, notes, worksheets, and group/individual projects. Each quarter includes an honors assignment.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- H
- CCC, Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 23.
- Business & Computer Science
- Business & Personal Law II
- 5624
- Business and Personal Law II can be a sequential course to Business and Personal Law I, but not required. This course covers relevant topics in civil and criminal law as it relates to consumer, employment and property law. Students will develop a critical eye for the legal contractual process. There are no prerequisites for this course.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 10,11,12
- CP
- CCC, Computer Science
- Not being offered in 2025-2026
- A1,A2,A3,A4,S2,C1,C3
- 24.
- Business & Computer Science
- Business Management - Sport & Entertainment Marketing
- 5631
- The purpose of this course is to present the student with a solid foundation about what business is, how it operates, and how it is managed. Specific topics include the characteristics of business, forms of ownership, management functions, and production and marketing management. Using virtual simulations, students will learn about sport and entertainment marketing and management. High performing students will have secured internships with local businesses through instructor recommendation.
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11, 12
- H
- CCC, Computer Science
- All years
- A1, A2, A3, A4, S1, S2, C1, C3
- 25.
- Business & Computer Science
- Business & Personal Law II
- 5635
- Business and Personal Law II can be a sequential course to Business and Personal Law I, but not required. This course covers relevant topics in civil and criminal law as it relates to consumer, employment and property law. Students will develop a critical eye for the legal contractual process. There are no prerequisites for this course. Each quarter will include an additional assignment/project or case studies (up to 2 total).
- Semester - 2.5 Credits
- 11,12
- H
- CCC, Computer Science
- Not being offered in 2025-2026
- A1,A2,A3,A4,S2,C1,C3