Obtaining A Work Permit
Minors (Ages 14-17)
In order to receive a work permit, the first step is to complete a permit application once a job offer has been obtained.
The application can be accessed below.
Once both pages are completed, the Masco student can drop off the application to the high school Registrar, Kristy Jennings, within the School Counseling Office or email it to kjennings@masconomet.org
The Masco student will then be prompted to come back to pick up the completed permit.
If the student lives in the tri-town district but attends a different high school, this process can be done through email with Kristy Jennings, kjennings@masconomet.org
Email the 2-page application along with a copy of the student's birth certificate or passport. In addition, please include this information in the initial email:
1. Hair Color
2. Eye Color
3. Facial Marks
4. Current School
5. Last Grade Completed
6. Home AddressClick on this link to access and print the application:
Employment Permit Application for 14 through 17 Year-Olds
For more information, please visit Youth Employment Permit Information