Masconomet Portrait of a Learner Competencies

  • Beginning in the fall of 2023, Masconomet faculty and administration met in interdisciplinary groups to develop a response to the question “What knowledge, skills and dispositions does a Masconomet Learner need to master in order to be prepared for future success?”  

    The resulting Masconomet Portrait of a Learner document reflects the purpose of our work with students today, which is the concept of “transfer.”  The knowledge, skills and dispositions we teach students today should be transferable to new situations and towards solving the real-world problems they will encounter after they leave Masconomet.  We educate students not so that they learn how to master school, but so that they learn how to be successful in life.  In developing the Masconomet Portrait of a Learner, faculty reviewed current research around the future of work and learning, discussed results of surveys of our community and students on the question of what skills were essential to future success.  After discussing this information, faculty was able to build a consensus around the 21st Century skills they felt were most important for students to master as they move on to post-secondary pursuits. 

    After completing our District-wide “Portrait,” faculty then spent the following six weeks working in departments to consider how the Portrait translates into discipline-specific transfer goals.  For example, we may all agree that “Communication” is an important skill to be included in our Portrait of a Learner, but that skill may be interpreted differently depending on the academic subject.  What constitutes effective communication in English may be very different from effective communication in mathematics, visual art or physical education.  As our Portrait of a Learner is a District-wide document, we also needed to consider how all of us, through our individual department’s curriculum, will share a role in helping our students master the identified skills.

    The resulting Masconomet Portrait of a Learner appears below.  Individual Department Transfer Goal Documents are linked on the left side of this page.