“Every student deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.”
The Whole Child Tenets
The Masconomet Health Services Department strives to promote optimal wellness in all students in order to advance their sense of well-being, academic success, and life-long achievement. To this end, the nurses provide assessment and treatment for both acute and chronic illnesses and injuries during the school day, intervening with actual and potential health issues. They promote health and safety; provide case management services and strive to develop and maintain a strong link between all parent, school, and community resources to increase self-management and self-advocacy skills.
The Masco Nurses:
High School Nurse, Sandra Moynihan BS, RN, NCSN
High School Nurse, Jen Caranfa, BSN, RN
High School Assistant Nurse, Jen Doak-Deraps BSBA, RN
Middle School Nurse, Gwen Lemire, EMT, BSN, RN, NCSN, M. Ed. in School Nurse Education; Gwen has been a school nurse at Masconomet for over 25 years and enjoys working at her Alma Mater! She incorporates a functional medicine approach into her nursing practice and has a heart for students who struggle with psychosocial concerns.
Middle School Assistant Nurse, Kim Gaffey RN, BSN, assists the Middle School nurse in taking care of students and other health office tasks. Kim particularly enjoys the daily interaction with students, helping them incorporate important health and wellness skills into their daily lives.
Upcoming Events..
February 17, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 19, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 21, 2025