“Every student deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.”
The Whole Child Tenets
Field Trips: Teachers may plan day or overnight field trips to supplement the curriculum. There may or may not be a nurse available on these trips. However, our goal is to help ensure your child's health and safety while away from the school building. In order to do this, it is essential for you to complete and return the Medication Administration Formincluded in the field trip packet. Over the counter medications such as acetominophen or ibuprofen will not be provided routinely on day or overnight field trips. If your child has asthma or severe allergies, it is essential that we also have a careplan on file in the Nurse's Office. If you did not complete and return one in the beginning of the year, you may click here to download a copy. If you have any specific health concerns regarding your child on the trip, please don't hesitate to contact the nurse.
Over-Night Field Trips: The Overnight Emergency Form must be completed and returned to the teacher as soon as possible. For an overnight trip, your child may bring his or her own medications (over the counter and prescription) as long as it is noted on the form, only the amount needed in the original pharmacy or manufacturer container and you have checked the appropriate box regarding administration. this includes Epinephrine Autoinjectors or asthma inhalers, don't forget to send these lifesaving devices with you child.