•  “Every student deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.”

    The Whole Child Tenets

  • Field Trips: Teachers may plan day or overnight field trips to supplement the curriculum.  There may or may not be a nurse available on these trips.  However, our goal is to help ensure your child's health and safety while away from the school building. In order to do this, it is essential for you to complete and return the Field Trip Medication Permission Field Trip Form  included in the field trip packet.  In order for medication to be taken on a field trip, the School Nurse must have a medication order on file in the Nursing Office. This includes over the counter medication as well as prescription medication. Over the counter medications such as Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Tums, etc. can only be provided on a field trip if a nurse is present and parental permission is on file in the Nursing Office. If your child has Asthma, severe allergies, or Seizures, it is essential that we also have an Asthma Action Plan, Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan and/or a Seizure Care Plan, signed by your child's doctor, on file in the Nurse's Office. Medication Orders and Care Plans may be faxed from your Doctor's Office to 978-887-3287. Any medication must be in the original pharmacy or manufacturer container with only the amount needed for the trip. If you have any specific health concerns regarding your child on the trip, please contact the nurse as soon as possible.

    Over-Night Field Trips: The Overnight Emergency Form must be completed and returned to the teacher as soon as possible and call the school nurse to discuss medication needs.  For an overnight trip, any medication brought on the trip must have a Medication Order signed by the prescriber on file in the Nursing Office. This must be reviewed by the school nurse to determine if it is appropriate for medication to be self-administered or if it can/needs to be delegated to an adult staff member. Some medications can not be delegated to staff by MA law. The school nurse will be able to determine this. The nursing staff will do everything possible to facilitate this process, but the more time we have to do this, the easier it is.  

    International Field Trips: Nurses are not allowed to delegate nursing services outside the country. The teacher and the travel companies used for school trips are who you should contact with medical questions.