•  “Every student deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.”

    The Whole Child Tenets

  • Every effort should be made to have your child take medication at home to prevent loss of class time. However, there are several different types of medications that may need to be administered during the school day.  School policy states that no child is allowed to carry medications of any kind (including over-the-counter) to school.  The only exception is a prescribed asthma inhaler, pancreatic enzymes, Insulin or an Epi-pen. In order for your child to receive medication at school, the following conditions must be met. 

    Over -The-Counter Medications approved by school MD: Certain medications (including Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen) are approved by the school physician and can be administered by the nurse with parental permission. Parental permission is given on the school emergency card at the beginning of the year. We will not dispense any medication without this permission.  DO NOT send your child to school with over the counter medication.

    Regularly Scheduled and long-term medications: State regulations require that both a parent/guardian consent form and licensed provider (physician or nurse practitioner) consent form be completed and retained on file in the nurse's office for regularly scheduled and long-term medications (i.e. medication for ADHD, migraines, anxiety). In addition, the parent/guardian must complete a medication administration plan.

    Short-term (less than 10 days) medications: Parent/guardian consent is required, but the prescription bottle is sufficient for MD consent for short term medications (i.e. antibiotics).

    For All Medications:

    1. Only a 30-day supply of medication should be brought in by a responsible adult. The medication must be in a pharmacy or manufacturer-labeled container.

    2. Parent/guardian will be notified of all unused, discontinued or outdated medication and asked to retrieve such medication from the school. All medication not picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the school year will be destroyed by the school nurse.

    Please click on the various links below for Medication Administration Forms.