Masconomet Regional School District Child Find Statement
In accordance with Federal Law, IDEA and Massachusetts Law 603 CMR 28.00, the Masconomet Regional School District provides special education programs designed to meet the needs of eligible students who reside within the District. The District’s child find process is designed to locate, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities residing in Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield, attending public or private school grade 7 through grade 12 or through age 22 if they have not received a high school diploma.
The Masconomet Regional School District provides evaluations for all children residing in Boxford, Middleton, and Topsfield grade 7 through grade 12 or through age 22 when a parent, caretaker, and/or teacher suspect the presence of a disability. If you suspect a child who resides in Boxford, Middleton, or Topsfield and attends public or private school or is homeschooled may be in need of special education and/or related services, please contact the Student Services Office for further information regarding the referral and evaluation process.