World Languages Curriculum Guides
Students follow a sequential program in French, Spanish or Chinese from Grade 7 through Grade 12. The World Language Department strongly encourages students to commit themselves to a full program, studying one language for six years between Grades 7 and 12, and to elect a second language when scheduling allows. Teacher recommendation and Department Head approval are required for honors programs.
Chinese Language and Culture I Honors, Course #4621Chinese Language and Culture II Honors, Course #4631 Chinese Language and Culture III Honors, Course #4641 Chinese Language and Culture IV Honors, Course #4651 French
French 1 CP, Course #4101French IV CP, Course #4131 French II CP, Course #4111 French IV Honors, Course #4171 French II Honors, Course #4151 French V CP, Course #4141 French II CP, Course #4121 French V Honors, Course #4181 French III Honors, Course #4161 Spanish
Spanish I CP2, Course #4011 Spanish III Honors, Course #4361 Spanish I CP, Course #4301 Spanish IV CP2, Course #4041 Spanish II CP2, Course #4021 Spanish IV CP, Course #4331 Spanish II CP, Course #4311 Spanish IV Honors, Course #4371 Spanish II Honors, Course #4351 Spanish V CP, Course #4341 Spanish III CP2, Course #4031 Spanish V AP, Course #4381 Spanish III CP, Course #4321